The idea behind this project was to take a series of illustrations made in Adobe Illustrator and animate then using a variety of different methods. Initially, I wanted to showcase how to apply CSS animations to an SVG exported out of Illustrator during my livestream (links below). Then, I wanted to do a comparison with Adobe After Effects. First, animating the same Illustrator art in After Effects, and exporting an MP4. Second, exporting a PNG sequence, and using Photoshop to create an animated GIF. I was originally going to do a single animation of constellations rotating in the night sky, but the process seemed popular with the viewers on the live stream so we did a few additional animations. This project gave me a chance to sharpen my After Effects skills, highlight the power of SVG animations, and showcase the versatility of artwork created in Illustrator.
It is unusual to see an illustration of space in a soft, light, pastel color palette—these colors are what drove my style choices and gave this project a unique personality. And who doesn’t love space, anyways?

Watch the livestream replays here:
Watch the livestream replays here:
Part 2
Watch the livestream replays here: